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August 16, 2023

Aug 16th 2022 I lost my mom to cancer, that day was the hardest day I had ever faced in my life, the only thing that helped me threw was my family and my rangers! I had tickets to a con in Columbus Ohio where Jason David Frank was going to be in Dec 2022! I looked forward to that day so much I didn't know talking to him was going to make me feel better about losing my mom but I did know it would make me happy finally meeting one of my childhood heros and having those memories as a child with my mom cause she was all I had besides mmpr! But then I get the news about Jdf and I was destroyed so hurt and heartbroken I didn't even want to go to the con anymore, but Karen Ashley stepped up last minute and was there and I just wanted to say thank you to Karen and all the rangers and to fanward and thanks for keeping my memories alive.