May 02, 2023
• Edited (May 02, 2023)

Meet Spongebob Rangerpants!

On the left was the concept image i made and the right is the finished tattoo. It's all 4 things I said I'd never get tattooed when I was younger: Spongebob, Power Rangers, Chicken Wings, and Ketchup. So I decided to throw them all into 1 design. But the more I thought about it, this crazy mash up was my most thought out tattoo. I resigned in 2018 from a job due to being burned out. Spongebob represents not taking things too seriously and always remembering to love your inner child. The Red Ranger was that I wanted to be a leader at what ever job I landed next. I had been at my previous positions, but I wanted to be able to prove to myself I could do it again after being burned out. 

Anyone else have any Ranger tattoos?

O yea and the leg felt fine during the apt, but the week after was like I had been beaten in the leg with a bat and i was limping around lol