Molly McAlister

Wynyard, Australia

oh walter you crack me up laughing you remind me a lot of me and the grabbish can oh my zordon that so reminds me of a time my ex brother climbed into the wheelie bin and covered himself in liquid nails oh gosh and you and the bullys that was so funny i litterly could see you sitting up there being a tease to those boys i too was bulled at high school as i was working at the libaury and my friends who was at the school would take me for walks at lunch time and there is this kid who loved to bully me and one day he went too far by saying i faked my autisum which i was absoutly shocked and hurt at that he also another time called me fat becuse i chubby and that i would never be a power ranger or ballet dancer i never stoped believing in you zack and i never will stop may the power protect you

Jul 17 at 08:36 PM

oh i am so pleased to be a part of these zack when im down and sad i just have to put mighty morphin on and you jokes and hip hop kideo cheers me up right away thankyou so much i am so proud to be a part of this