Cody Redd - Fanward Admin

Bangkok, Thailand

Aug 29 at 07:54 PM

What did Austin say when he first saw it? I bet he thought it was sick.

Commented on My haul for today!

Aug 26 at 07:40 PM

Sooooo Dope!

Keep working at it, Conner, you never know what impact it may have on people once they read it. Sometimes all it takes is showing just ONE right person, and it could mean everything to them.
I wish these comics had existed when I was a kid. My brain would have melted out of my ears. lol
Awesome question! I recommend sending it to so he will for sure see it when he gets to the studio!

Aug 26 at 07:31 PM

Hahaha, yeah it sucks. Hamsters and gerbils, etc. Don't live very long, but rats, as surprising as it is to hear, are some of the smartest animals I have ever had as pets. they are actually super cool animals. You would think they would be thrown in there with hamsters and the like, but they're completely different.
I relate. This is a great way to look at it. Power Rangers really has been a constant in our lives for so long that it has helped bring stability to turbulent times. It's a great thing.
The amount of time and effort that they put forward on these projects is insane.

Aug 19 at 08:37 PM

