Cody Redd - Fanward Admin

Bangkok, Thailand

Replied on post was deleted

Jun 20 at 11:54 AM

Top left hand side of the app there should be a left-facing arrow. Click on that and follow it to the "power rangers" channel. That should put you right where you want to be. 😊

Jun 20 at 11:46 AM

This link right here will take you to the page to check your shipping info! >>>

Jun 20 at 11:40 AM

I will never forget the first and only con I went to. It was amazing and I had a lot of fun, but they can be expensive, overwhelming, and exhausting. I think that is one of the reasons why i love working with Fanward so si much. A lot of people who are more introverted would love to interact with their favorite actors from their favorite fandoms but don't have the interest or ability to go to cons. So thankfully, Fanward is here to help with that. I wasn't disappointed by the convention I went to, and would be happy to go to another one if the opportunity arose, but they are something that I would definitely need a long break between. Really shows the kind of effort that Austin and Walter and the others put forth to go to as many as they do in a year.

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Jun 14 at 11:55 PM

Hey Aaron, post this in the Power-Rangers-Conversations Public channel, so more people can see it!

Jun 14 at 11:49 PM

I'm still listening to it!

Jun 14 at 11:49 PM

Yes it is!

Jun 14 at 11:49 PM

Hahaha, I love that part. I love Jason Isaacs, and he really nailed the role of Hook.

Jun 14 at 11:48 PM

Absolutely, I know so many people who added it to their playlist.

Jun 14 at 11:48 PM

Yeah, and his song just radiates everything that Walter is about.

Jun 14 at 11:44 PM

I've had this song stuck in my head since the first time I heard it. It is so catchy!