Cody Redd - Fanward Admin

Bangkok, Thailand

Cyber bullying can be very hard to contend with, sometimes even worse than physical bullying. I have experienced both, and with cyber bullying it is like being hassled by a ghost you can't even see, someone who doesn't even know you, putting you down for arbitrary reasons. At least with being bullied in person there is a sense of putting a face to the trauma you are standing against, but with cyber bullying, it is almost as if the responsibility falls completely on you. You are the one who has to handle it because you don't, really know who else to blame.I always tell my son, please don't let yourself become the victim, in any situation. When you can train yourself to be a spectator to your bully's pain, a conduit for it to go through, as opposed to the target, it can help you to better move through and past it. It doesn't justify their actions, but it frees you from the pain of them.

Cross your fingers and stay tuned! You never know when you may win!

Dec 18 at 08:42 AM

Stay tuned to James and Fanward, and you never know, you may just be one of the winners!

Have heard a few requests for Posey Merch! We have a shirt up for Christmas at the moment, straight from Posey! May want to check it out if you haven't seen it yet! :)

Great idea for a future video, Chrystal. Email your ideas and recommendations to and you never know - your email could become a future video!

Tasha I'm sorry you feel that way, I felt that way for a long time as well. I had my guard up for many years, and it made life hard. But I can guarantee you, that there is someone out there that will not only be willing to help, but will want to and be happy to. You just have to find them, and you eventually will. I always told myself no one wanted to hear me or talk to me or be there for me, but eventually I found them, and they were worth the wait. :)

Yeah, the casting on the show really was perfect people at the perfect time.

Where I lived, I was bullied more AFTER I got my black belt than I had been before. Despite having had been bullied my entire life it got far worse after everyone found out I was a martial artist, because everyone wanted to "test me". However, I had much more control over how I reacted to the bullying, and it gave it far less effect and control over me.Martial arts helped save my life in many ways.

Dec 13 at 07:14 PM

Dude, that would be so much fun. I freaked out just because I got to do the morphing call with him, can't imagine what it would be like to learn Hip Hop Kido from him!