Cody Redd - Fanward Admin

Bangkok, Thailand

Oct 11 at 11:41 AM



Commented on Just met Austin!!

Oct 11 at 11:41 AM

So cool, man! Awesome shirt!

Oct 11 at 11:40 AM

If I lived around people who spoke my language I would absolutely love to try this, looks so awesome.

Oct 11 at 11:39 AM

Congrats to everyone who won!


Sep 29 at 01:38 AM

Perfect! Bet Trini is her favorite! Maybe she thinks she's a Sabretooth Tiger!

Commented on post was deleted

Sep 28 at 10:33 PM

Woah that would be a great idea! They could release all of the megazords from the Power Ranger seasons, but make them so that they can be switched with pieces from other megazords. A "Build your own Megazord" toyline.

Sep 28 at 10:32 PM

Wooooah, love that Ivan Ooze pic! I don't feel like he gets enough love, definitely one of my favorite villains.

Sep 28 at 10:31 PM

Love it!


Commented on post was deleted

Sep 28 at 10:31 PM

I used to have the White Ranger Pop #22 and lost it in a move, and now it goes for almost 150 bucks... 😭

Commented on Mail call

Sep 28 at 10:30 PM

So cool, definitely one of the coolest stickers yet!
