Cody Redd - Fanward Admin

Bangkok, Thailand

Commented on It's arrived!

Sep 28 at 10:30 PM

Looks amazing there, great place to put it.

Sep 28 at 10:29 PM

Isn't that the coolest thing ever!?
Absolutely, I have learned so much from watching all of these.

Sep 28 at 10:28 PM

Your best life always rests on the other side of your comfort zone, past that line that you fear.

Sep 28 at 10:27 PM

Nothing scarier than a southern man with a daughter. lol

Sep 28 at 10:27 PM

Hahaha, Oh come'on!!! That doesn't sound like fun to you? lol

Sep 28 at 10:25 PM

I loooooove climbing trees and hiking. This video reminded me of a time that my friend and I went hiking back into the woods way, way behind my house (we lived out in the country at the time) and he twisted his ankle. Since I'm not Peter Pan, and unfortunately, cannot fly, I had to fireman's carry him for a mile and a half to get him back home. Stories like these always pique some memory that I may have forgotten before, which is one of the reasons videos like these are so great. They really do take you back to your own special times.

Sep 28 at 10:23 PM

It is crazy how having a family can bring out the best in people. Jeremy is one of the good ones!

Sep 28 at 10:22 PM

That's awesome! I love when cats watch videos. lol

Commented on My new edition!!

Sep 19 at 08:09 AM

Oh heck yeah!