Bond Kent✅

New York, NY, United States

Commented on Signed Power Morpher

Jun 23 at 12:19 AM

Missing Karan Ashley

Jun 18 at 02:52 PM


Jun 16 at 07:16 PM


Jun 16 at 07:15 PM

I’m sure they’re many items still available before is passing. Giveaway’s on the works?


Jun 15 at 08:22 PM

Signed by Jason David Frank


Jun 15 at 07:05 PM

Trust cannot erase what’s in me and you, yes it’s great to have and open ear but how far will that take us. They’re are many many people trying and trying and the end result is not good. What can you do against something you cannot see?

Jun 15 at 01:25 PM


Jun 15 at 01:19 PM

Awesome 🟢✅


Jun 15 at 01:19 PM

It’s very sad when I found out Jason David Frank passed away, He was loved every day of his life. We all go through tough times like losing a love one, losing a job, losing a friend. I want to let everyone know that there is hope when you going through tough times, suicide and depression. I also understand because i too wanted to commit suicide and someone told me about this love John 3:16. If you are not going through a tough time prepare yourself eventually it will come. If you know any going through a rough time let them know there is hope.


Commented on post was deleted

Jun 14 at 10:17 PM

Yes! 🟢