Mayra L Pérez

Yauco, Puerto Rico

It japanesse and as a curious fact The name is the result of Ringo (meaning 'apple' in Japanese), Nyan (the sound of a cat crying) and of course, Ringo Starr. And he's an apple that's been inhabited by the spirit of a dead cat. 🤗

Hahaha Im here loving the interaction of the crew with Austin. As a 4'11" person I can guarantee that the struggle is real. I feel you girl. Give that girl a stepping stool, for God's sake. 🤣🤣🤣 Have an awesome day guys.

And you wanna know something super cool? Do you know what is the most repeated phrase that God left for us to in the christian bible? In fact, it is repeated 365 times and if we come to think about it shold be enough for us to remember it at least once a day in a whole year. This phrase is "Do NOT be afraid". He commands us to live despite fear brcause there is nothing to be afraid because He is with us. And if God is with you, who or what can stand against you? 💪🏼

The music made this vid even more epic 🤩😍 Thank you guys

May 27 at 08:51 PM

Seems pretty fun! By the way this vid caught me totally off guard, cause for a moment I thought it was about the deliciousness (if that is word) of the dessert called tres leches (3 milks) which is a cake that has been zimmered in a mix of condensed, evaporated and regular milk, vanilla, cinammon and topped with whipped cream.