Hey everyone thought I share my power ranger character I created using technology that helps create it for you. As someone whose not an artist and wishes they were I used my imagination to create this power ranger. So this power ranger has similarities as super megaforce’s morpher instead it’s not like theirs but different from everyones morpher. As for this character’s morpher it uses a large gem to rotate an angle and becomes the color it refracts and gains the ability of every rangers color. So if I were to use the color red I find the angle and morph into a ruby red ranger and gain all red ranger abilities, weapons, and zords. The same is applied to all other colors it refracts now it gets cooler when I want to be all the colors I spin the large gem and morph. As I morph into all the colors I choose which season I morph into so let’s say MMPR first season. As I chose that season my helmet would be red my right leg would be yellow my left leg blue my arms and back side black my chest and abdomen pink then green would be the gold chest plate and bicep arm cuffs. Then after being combined I can use their zords put together and control the Dino megazord including other versions. I also can use their weapons and abilities as well thus becoming the ultimate ranger that was created on the planet Eltar. Now I bet your wondering where this idea came from well it’s from my book MMPR The Return of Zordon that’ll never become an actual comic book or book for everyone to read. Reason I say that and hate to say it I have learning disability including other stupid disabilities and mental disabilities. So I use my imagination wrote it in a book and kept it in my safe just to have it as a memory of having fun writing on a notebook of the greatest imagination I ever had. Anyway hope you all go and see/meet your favorite power ranger actors and get great merchandise and most of all have a Morphintastic day peace.

February 12