Stellar find today, I had Jason and Billy as a kid but lost them. Happy to replace them and also get Trini and Tommy. Accessories are all missing but I'm satisfied
I've been looking for Dragon shield black ranger forever and I truly believed I would never find it. Glad to be proven wrong. I also snagged a couple ninja Rangers, all six of them were there but I settled for Billy and Tommy since I don't have much blue or white ranger stuff. I'm gonna have to reorganize my shelf haha more pics later maybe
I'm still in shock! I knew this was coming but actually holding it in my hands is a whole new feeling. I was 3 when MMPR first aired and Jason was my ultimate hero, getting this from Austin 30 years later is pretty special. Jason was always the true leader to me and when he left I was devasted and even cried.
Thank you Austin St. John and everyone at Fanward you are all awesome!
Sorry for making this post repeatedly, there was a little bit of user error 😄
All the stuff I've snagged so far, started pretty small but it's growing steadily. Kinda bummed I can't get lightning collection MM Blue, Green and White Rangers without shelling out serious dough