Michael L Roybal

May 03 at 11:30 AM

Aww I'm sorry, maybe reach out to David or Olivia for a replacement?


Mar 29 at 08:09 AM

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Decided to snag more of the OG 8" rangers and holy cow I found a complete dragonzord with Tommy. Not sure where it's all gonna fit but I'm happy


I've experienced similar with my family. They always have a negative comment when I add something new to my collection, I don't tell them anymore. I got a Saba saber the other day but I haven't mentioned anything about it cause I already know the very first thing someone will ask is how much I spent. When I showed it to collector friends, they were so stoked for me. I even took my whole display shelf down for a while because I was so tired of what was being said(I put it all back and it's brighter than ever!)

I do understand where they're coming from regarding saving and preparing for the future but it's important to live RIGHT NOW and it gets tiresome trying to get that point across. I found some small happiness and they just don't want to accept it because it's not their way I guess



Feb 16 at 06:50 PM

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After searching around for a while I finally got the original lightning collection Billy. Not sure if I want to keep getting more LC figs, I was really only into the Mighty Morphin stuff and I've got most of those except putties and a few villains. I also got the Micro Machines zord set with the Green ranger


Feb 15 at 08:37 AM

Hey welcome! It isn't too lively here but there's a few of us that hang around


Great video! It's nice to hear your side of the story after hearing so many different things from different sources. It definitely wasn't the same after the OGs left


Jan 16 at 03:00 PM

On the website theres a referral area with a link that you can give to friends or whoever so they can join and you get a free month for every person that joins using your link


Jan 07 at 03:42 PM

The long awaited White Dragon sprite is here! I still want to work on it a bit more but I'm mostly satisfied with it. Ignore the outline errors 🙂 EDIT* this is the only place you will see this sprite, if you see it being used elsewhere please let me know

Commented on Jason Vs Rocky

Jan 01 at 01:20 PM

Jason, no doubt. I was so angry when he left the show and I hated Rocky for a long time after. (Theres no hate anymore, don't worry) I remember my older sister being upset too because she had a crush on Jason 😄

Dec 31 at 07:43 PM

