Michael L Roybal

Oct 20 at 02:36 PM

I've gotten the first few from David. The very first text got sent to spam and I had to mark it as not spam so maybe check that out


Oct 18 at 02:33 PM

I was wondering what you do with your reaction figures, do you open them or leave them carded?
I got these two a while ago and I'm gonna keep them sealed. They just look way to cool to disturb haha

Commented on post was deleted

Oct 14 at 06:57 PM

That's cool it's always good to have a physical copy


Sep 30 at 07:59 PM

1 / 5
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5 / 5

I did a LOT of tweaking to the Green Ranger sprite I edited a while back. I also decided to go ahead and do the rest of the Rangers JDF played. The White Ranger is the original sprite from the game on Genesis. I am planning on doing Drakkon and White Dragon later. I've only done the idle sprite but if you'd like to see other poses let me know and I'll whip something up


Sep 26 at 02:35 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

Just now got these in, they're so cool! I didn't expect to get so many either. Thanks again everyone at Fanward and of course Austin and Walter! Much love

Commented on Scripts and Props

Sep 08 at 09:35 AM

Cool stuff! I remember DARE but I've never seen a Power Rangers flyer for it


Aug 19 at 12:09 PM

Snagged the super 7 Dragonzord tee, it's awesome. The quality is pretty good and the design is great. I had to go a size smaller but it fits really well. Did anyone else get one?

Commented on Operation Overdrive

Aug 03 at 02:04 PM

I've never seen it so I don't have an opinion but I have heard a lot of bad things

Aug 03 at 09:16 AM

I had to surrender my dog back in May, his name was Ponce de Leon and I had him for around 7 years. it was one of the hardest things I've had to do. He developed health problems as he got older, he had this awful mange that needed a lifelong treatment but I couldn't afford it. I think he may have had arthritis as well. I miss him every day and I still blame myself for not being able to help him. He was so smart, he listened to a lot of commands and knew some tricks but his sickness prevented him from doing much near the end. My favorite moment with him was when I took him camping for the first time. Seeing how happy he was running through the forest is something I'll never forget