
If I block Brent, will he be able to continue to comment under mine?

Please go away

I miss JDF. Start a new comment without being on mine

For crying out loud. Just stop. This is beginning to hurt. Stop

I’ll never comment again. I’ll go back to watching

Forgive me for cussing on here admin. You can delete it if it’s a violation.

Sorry but it has nothing do with me. Bullying is wrong in person and online. I just think you should take this elsewhere

Can you please take it elsewhere? This is why I normally say nothing.

Sorry you had to go through that, Cody. Now I’m almost always alone and ignored. So I’m still being bullied in a way. I’m there for people but nobody is there for me. When a person does offer to help, I kinda feel like I have to put my guard up. It’s hard for me to trust many people.


I was bullied most of the time I was in school. Until I started taking karate classes in high school.