With 2 more expansions revealed today for the Heroes of the Grid game, I really need to play it more often.
I still haven't learned how to play the Deck Building Game yet either.
Thommy (Tommy) Walters
Nashville, TN, United States
Oct 07 at 11:22 AM

Sep 30 at 11:03 PM

Over in the Facebook group there's a thread about showing off your Morphers so I figured I'd also post mine here as well.
Click the image to see the full image.
Sep 28 at 05:44 PM
Aug 30 at 05:16 AM

Added another Zenkaiger Zord to my collection yesterday.
Aug 23 at 02:30 PM

Got the ZAP Megazord and regular Hasbro Megazord from Amazon and the Rangers shirts came from Hot Topic.
Aug 17 at 08:36 AM

The Cosmic Fury poster has been reveaked, as well as the release date of September 29th and the show will feature some familiar faces.
Aug 12 at 05:14 PM

My Cosmic Fury Megazord arrived today, wasn't expecting it either since the listing originally had an October release date.
I was kind of meh on it once I opened it but the more I fiddle with it, the more I really like it.
I do plan on getting the DX KyurenOh and though.
Aug 11 at 11:10 AM
Aug 04 at 03:39 PM

Found the clear one on clearance for $22 and had to grab it, looks amazing with the regular colored version.
Jul 26 at 01:32 PM