Kevin Graves

Hammond, IN, United States

It's called a blade blaster because it had blade mode and blaster mode (plus holster mode). The power blaster was when they put all their primary weapons together. ☺️


Jun 04 at 10:16 PM

I have that sword of Darkness too from a comic con vendor and I have the lightning collection power sword, the ban dai legacy blade blaster, dragon dagger, Saba Sword and gold staff also. Hopefully Hasbro finishes the ranger weapons so you can finish your collection for the Powe Blaster. But where will you put fit it?

As much as I loved Steve, Johnny and Karan it devistated me when you guys left the show. And as an adult it infuriates me that you guys didn't get compensated what you all deserved back in the day. I'm so happy we live in an age that we can connect with you all now. I wish Thuy were still alive to see how much love your fans still have for you all 30 years later.
