Aaron Physch

Jun 16 at 08:18 AM

Appreciate you bro .


Jun 15 at 05:32 AM

It’s Morphin Time !!! Green Dragon power !!!


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Jun 15 at 01:58 AM

Green Dragon!!

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Jun 15 at 01:47 AM

I’m trying too post it too the channel your talking about . Can’t figure out how too do that brotha

Jun 12 at 04:36 AM

Bro he was so chill . Good guy


Jun 11 at 05:42 PM

Jun 05 at 11:25 PM

Rocken roll survivor reminds of the hard ships I was facing while being thrown out of my house by my military step father. No matter the obstacles in front of me I was going too over come them “ . I’m a Rocken roll survivor!! Baby . Music is in my blood, my biological father was a 1980’s hair band musician. https://music.apple.com/us/album/rocknroll-survivor/1493230068?i=1493230072. Second sing the pushed through the blood swet and tears of life second song : higher , band Wolfmother . Third song is by a band called miss may I . Name of song is Gears I would use this song too fuel my drive and focus while practicing my Karate katas . Karate helps me destress while dealing with hard times. Song is fire . Gets the adrenaline pumping. My own grave song ) band as I lay dying . Reminds me of my motorcycle accident and induced Choma . The wings of Christ walked me through dark while I was a sleep . Amen I lost everything couldn’t retain new info very well for over 8 years of recovery.