
Happy Valley, OR, United States

I have been bullied by jerks all through my middle and high-school career. It really does something to you. It I didn't have the support from my parents and family friends, I don't know what I would have done.

I can't stand when I hear stories about kids being either physically or cyber bullied. It infuriates me to know end. I want to be there and step up to these people who decide to take out their negatively on other people who do not deserve it.

Tough loves builds character but there is a line that needs to be drawn.

Much love to your family Austin. Love you brother and I know this will be sorted out with lots of prayer and meditation.



Jan 06 at 01:25 PM

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Austin and Walter. I have been under your positive influence since I was around 3. Thank you. Since as an adult, I have done my hardest to be a good human being and spread as much positive and kindness into the world.

I have been collecting a lot of papers rangers stuff but nothing beats the originals. May the power protect you both. Keep up the good fight.