Kayla Osborne

O'Brien, FL, United States

My time being alone I write stories. It helps me relax and use the creative part of my brain. I've been writing since I was 16.

In season 3 Tommy was given white ranger powers..correct? We all know that the characters unmorphed wear their color of what ranger they are. In season 3, if Tommy already has white ranger powers why was he wearing green clothes in one of the episodes?

I remember back when I was in elementary school. It was costume day. Lunch time, I noticed that my friend was being picked on just because she dressed up as the red ranger. She was getting upset. I stood up to the little boy(which happened to be the principal's son) though I didn't like what he had gotten as punishment. His mother did make him apologize. Me, standing up to him, made my friend and I closer.