Justin Chandler


10 Feb 09:58

So👏 had no idea this was here and just wanted to share with yall. Like most of yall, I've wanted to meet this man since I was a littel Ranger in Training and someone close to me finally made it happen by the grace of God and finally me him and just thank him and lemme tell ya, he's as much Jason as he is Austin. He's been one of my biggest inspirations in leadership since I was a kid and it carried over to my career in the Army. Meeting him and getting to talking was like talking to an older brother, swappin stories and the like and was able to give him my deployment patch. He was a huge part as to why I got it and wanted him to have it. Saying that, if he's reading this, You'll never know how much it means to me and how validating "Gotta take care of my own" is for me, so thank you. See ya at the next one brotha🦖🤙

This. This right here is the type of leadership that you showed me and inspired me to have not just in the Army but just me in general, my voice is just the voice that carries the weight that my leadership looks at but my soldiers and my team are the reason thebmission gets done. As an NCO, i would mentor my soldiers into the "Big Boy, Big Girl Rules" mentality i learned from SF, Special Operations and Rangers, if there was a soldier struggling, even just a friend struggling, id pull them aside and talk with them one on one away from everyone and help them. My team comes first and its my responsibility to take care of them to get the mission done and that they grow into the best possible "them" they aspire to be. Thank you for continuing to mentor and inspire me when im havin tough days with talks like this, brotha man. Keep bein that Red Ranger we know and love.


Honestly....that was a pretty solid Goldar impression🤣🤣

Zordon gon have a wall-to-wall counsling🤣🤣


Maaaaan...doesn't this bring back some Army memories🤣🤣

Having just subscribed, I gotta tell you how thankful i am God allowed me the opportunity to continue my "Jason" education. This entire video is one of the core values you taught me when i was just a little Ranger in training. I didnt have a father growing up and got bullied as well when i found MMPR at 5 yrs old, i was taught how to be a leader from you, because of what you taught me. i joined the Army to serve God and become as close to a Red Ranger as i could and continue to strive to be and this topic right here was something i always shared with my soldiers and taught them. Those two boys that came to help, those are the types of people i trained my soldiers to be like. Present day, i hop on here and realize im on to my andvanced "Ranger" training, being taught the same lessons but from an experienced perspective and, though im out of the Army now, ill always be a warrior and mentor and continue to teach the lessons you teach us. Just wanted to say how deeply grateful i am to you

The more i watched and listened the more i i was like "wow..sounds like the ridiculousness in the Army"🤣🤣🤣