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March 13, 2023

So I posted something previously to the Facebook group. And I commonly got a question about it, particularly where I got it. Well, I had to get this piece by piece. Becuase power rangers suits and incredibly difficult to get ahold of. You need both reliable resources and a lot of money.

Now, back in 2015 is when I first committed to getting the cosplay. I first had a loose fitting jumpsuit. A foam-ish belt, flimsy gloves and boots that were two sizes too big. I wore those the time I met Walter for the first time. And when I looked back on it, I was embarrassed. That’s when I scoured the internet for resources. Fast forward about 4 years; I got a new job for more flexible hours, so I had the money and time. Bought a more fitting suit, got properly fitting boots, sturdy gloves and cuffs. Commissioned a friend for a belt and holster, had a vintage blade blaster laying around. So all that was left was the most difficult and most expensive part, the helmet. I had a friend that made them. And it was a lot of trials and tribulations, but a year later… I finally got the helmet, it fit. The moment I had the full suit on, I felt so fulfilled. My inner child was happy. And I couldn’t wait for Walter to see. Last I saw him was Rangerstop 2019… still awkward lol but I felt better than I did when I first met him. And I Still wear it proudly.